A Claire View of Montreal: APRIL & MAISIE & DARBY

A Claire View of Montreal and another childhood friend! April and I grew up on the same street, on opposite sides, two houses apart. Fast forward to today and she is mother to Maisie, 8, and Darby, almost 7. She has been married for 10 years and was a working mom turned entrepreneurial stay at home mom. One of the things she discovered is that she loves to travel, and would love to show her girls the world!

(Video interview following photo gallery.)

"I wish that they never give up on their dreams, and that they realize that once their dreams materialize that they can dream again." - April


"I wish they put themselves first." - April


"I wish that they're not afraid of anything...just not afraid to push their limits...to reach for the stars and get everything that they can out of life..." - April


"My wishes for my girls...I wish they never have issues with body image. It took me up until the time that I had two girls to realize that everyone is born with a different body type. Some people are naturally lean, some are not and they should appreciate the strengths that their own body has." - April


"I wish they don't wish to be someone else; they are great just the way they are." - April


"I wish that they grow up to have great childhood memories..." - April


"My wish is just that they do the best that they can do...and that they come out okay in the end..." - April

 "I wish they do not fear the unknown. I wish that they will just do it." - April 


"I wish that they always dance like no one is watching..." - April


April, what a treat to reunite after such a long time! Thank you for sharing your time, humor and insights. I am so lucky to call you a lifelong friend and am so glad I had a chance to meet your girls! Keep doing what you're doing and I look forward to seeing them soar! Thank you...

Remembering Anita Claire
